Solar For Schools with FPL
Project Name: Solar For Schools
Owner: FPL
Contact Name: Lowry Pendley
Phone Number: 510-540-0550
Architect: Buehler & Buehler Structural Engineers
Contract Amount: $1,150,000.00
Start Date: 06/2015
Completion Date: 10/2015
Prime or Subcontractor: Prime
Project Location: Multiple Project Locations
Schedule: On
Budget: On
Description: Installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at 11 schools in Florida, including Spruce Creek High School, Seabreeze High School, Dodgertown Elementary School, Very Beach Elementary School, Citrus Elementary School, Indian River Academy, Crescent City High School, Palatka High School, Golfview Elementary School, Stone Magnet Middle School and West Shore High School.