CTH H Construction, Walworth County, WI
CTH H is a commuter route in central and southeastern Walworth County. The scope of this reconditioning project entailed milling the existing 4-inch asphaltic surface and replacing it with 4 inches of HMA pavement; replacing all culverts; constructing concrete curb and gutter at five side-road intersections; installing permanent traffic signs and pavement marking; erosion control; and final landscaping.
OES provided construction oversight for culvert replacements, surface milling, installing concrete curbs & gutters at intersections, pulverizing the existing base, paving concrete and asphaltic driveways, common excavation, installation of riprap, grading, asphalt paving, placing aggregate shoulders, installing traffic control signs, pavement marking and landscaping.
OES provided verification services including inspection, reporting, records documentation, materials documentation and testing, and measurement of quantities. OES worked with the DNR and performed erosion control documentation and inspections that were necessary due to the project being in a sensitive environment adjacent to wetlands.