OTIE provides emergency response activities nationwide under several federal contracts. We provide 24-hour, 7 day-a-week, year-round emergency response through experienced and trained emergency response personnel and fully-equipped vehicles.
Our personnel are experienced with regulations under CERCLA, OPA, Stafford Act, and the Homeland Security Act. Our staff has Level A, B, and C PPE training and Incident Command System (ICS) training enabling us to assume divisional leadership roles during incidents and to participate in joint training exercises without restrictions.
OTIE has certified trainers as well as personnel trained in nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) awareness and responses. Our responders are trained in identification of NBC, neurological, and radiological agents; proficient use of M8 test kits; use of NBC equipment; and decontamination setups. OTIE personnel have participated in USEPA Level A counter-terrorism exercises including simulated chemical and biological release scenarios.
OTIE has responded to natural disasters and incidents of natural significance including: Hurricane Katrina, the TVA Fly Ash Release, the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil disaster; and regional floods, fires, and tornados. OTIE provided assessments, remedial oversight, on-site database management, GIS mapping, and logistics support.
- Emergency/disaster response
- Response and release assessment training
- Counter-terrorism/domestic preparedness
- Removal actions
- Response data management