Elm Road Wetland Mitigation Monitoring, Oak Creek, WI
OES ecologists are currently providing maintenance and monitoring services at five wetland mitigation sites constructed to compensate for wetland impacts associated with the expansion of the Oak Creek Power Plant. OES staff performed compliance monitoring and report preparation for each wetland site. Compliance monitoring consisted of vegetation sampling (both quantitative and qualitative), preparing a photographic log, and compiling a wildlife list. Report preparation consisted of analyzing vegetation data collected during compliance monitoring and recommending management strategies for each restoration site. Monitoring reports were ultimately distributed to the regulatory agencies (WDNR and Corps of Engineers) as well as other interested parties. OES ecologists coordinate with subcontrators and We Energies’ contractors to provide management activities such as herbiciding, cutting, burning, hand-pulling of exotic species, mowing, and others required to control the spread of target invasive species present within and adjacent to each site.